ISRS Educational Course: SBRT for the Treatment of Liver and Pancreatic Cancer
Humanitas University,
Via Rita Levi Montalcini 4,
20072 Pieve Emanuele (MI)
Crediti Ecmyes
Duration8 h
Advanced radiotherapy is evolving towards the reduction of number of fractions and the increase of biological delivered dose. Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) has nowadays a major role in the multidisciplinary management of abdominal tumors, including liver primary and metastatic tumors and pancreatic cancer.
Published data showed that SBRT is effective for local control of these tumors and thus can be considered a viable treatment option for selected patients. However, the optimal integration of SBRT in the multidisciplinary strategies for liver and pancreatic cancer is still to be defined.
Aim of this course is to explore the role of radiotherapy, together with surgery, interventional radiology and medical oncology for these two challenging diseases.
Marta Scorsetti Responsabile UO Radioterapia e Radiochirurgia,
Humanitas Research Hospital -
Laura Fariselli Direttore UO Radioterapia, Istituto Neurologico C. Besta, Milano
Ciro Franzese Associate Professor of
Radiation Oncology,
Humanitas University &
Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery,
Humanitas Research Hospital
Humanitas EDU
Registration is free but compulsory. Registration will be accepted in order of arrival and until all available seats. Online registration to