COP (Clinical Observation Program) Advanced Cervical Cancer
Humanitas University,
Via Rita Levi Montalcini 4,
20072 Pieve Emanuele (MI)
Rationale and introduction: Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among females worldwide, contributing to substantial morbidity and mortality. The clinical management of this pathology is complex and requires a harmonious integration between high surgical expertise, molecular biology techniques and the management of a constantly evolving therapeutic landscape. Within this scenario, the Clinical Observation Program aims to be a moment of debate between the different figures involved in the patient treatment pathway, providing ideas for updating and discussion in the complexity of advanced cervical cancer with a multidisciplinary faculty.
Domenica Lorusso Specialista in Ginecologia,
Humanitas San Pio X
Humanitas EDU
Max 30 medical doctors (gyneco-oncologists and oncologists)